Changing Perspective
Changing Perspective Might Help You Understand
Published on November 20, 2018
Go Channels Grouping MethodsAbout 7 minutes of reading.
Changing perspective
Using abstractions is more about what
your code can do. Encapsulation is about how
we achieve that functionality.
“I was introduced to complex concepts almost immediately… with examples I’d never use in real life. It confused me, I didn’t understand it, and eventually quit trying to learn Go because I thought I’d never get it” - quote from a beginner captured by Mat Ryer
The present writing is about concurrency and use of channels in Go.
Original Code
I’m assuming that you know what pipelining is. One of the interesting properties of pipelines is the ability they give you to operate on the stream of data using a combination of separate, often reorderable stages. It allows you to reuse stages of the pipeline multiple times.
There is a pattern called fan-out fan-in
which reuses a single stage of a pipeline on multiple goroutines in an attempt to parallelize pulls from an upstream stage - which, in the end, results in improving performance of the pipeline.
Let’s look at a piece of code, that is generating a stream of random numbers which are converted into an integer stream and then it’s passed to a heavy duty doing
function. In this case, is about finding prime numbers.
The code is taken from the github code of the book Concurrency In Go by Katherine Cox-Buday.
package main
import (
func main() {
repeatFn := func(
done <-chan interface{},
fn func() interface{},
) <-chan interface{} {
valueStream := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(valueStream)
for {
select {
case <-done:
case valueStream <- fn():
return valueStream
take := func(
done <-chan interface{},
valueStream <-chan interface{},
num int,
) <-chan interface{} {
takeStream := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(takeStream)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
select {
case <-done:
case takeStream <- <-valueStream:
return takeStream
toInt := func(done <-chan interface{}, valueStream <-chan interface{}) <-chan int {
intStream := make(chan int)
go func() {
defer close(intStream)
for v := range valueStream {
select {
case <-done:
case intStream <- v.(int):
return intStream
primeFinder := func(done <-chan interface{}, intStream <-chan int) <-chan interface{} {
primeStream := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(primeStream)
for integer := range intStream {
integer -= 1
prime := true
for divisor := integer - 1; divisor > 1; divisor-- {
if integer%divisor == 0 {
prime = false
if prime {
select {
case <-done:
case primeStream <- integer:
return primeStream
fanIn := func(
done <-chan interface{},
channels ...<-chan interface{},
) <-chan interface{} { // <1>
var wg sync.WaitGroup // <2>
multiplexedStream := make(chan interface{})
multiplex := func(c <-chan interface{}) { // <3>
defer wg.Done()
for i := range c {
select {
case <-done:
case multiplexedStream <- i:
// Select from all the channels
wg.Add(len(channels)) // <4>
for _, c := range channels {
go multiplex(c)
// Wait for all the reads to complete
go func() { // <5>
return multiplexedStream
done := make(chan interface{})
defer close(done)
start := time.Now()
rand := func() interface{} { return rand.Intn(50000000) }
randIntStream := toInt(done, repeatFn(done, rand))
numFinders := runtime.NumCPU()
fmt.Printf("Using %d Cores.\n", numFinders)
finders := make([]<-chan interface{}, numFinders)
fmt.Println("Found Primes:")
for i := 0; i < numFinders; i++ {
finders[i] = primeFinder(done, randIntStream)
num := 0
for prime := range take(done, fanIn(done, finders...), 10) {
fmt.Printf("\t%d - %d\n", num, prime)
fmt.Printf("Whole work took: %v", time.Since(start))
Can you read it ? Of course, you can - it’s just Go!
Now, let’s consider that you’ll have to explain it to a beginner. First thing that you can say about the code is that it is very hard to follow despite the fact that functions and variables are named, so you can work your way towards understanding what it does.
In summary, you could say “we now have a number() equal to the number of CPUs) of goroutines pulling from the random number generator and attempting to determine whether the number is prime” and let the poor beginner read (or break) the code until it gets it.
Let’s change the code, by using a technique called grouping of methods. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Main advantage is that for an “OOP brain”, it shows the blue prints of the separation of concerns in that code.
First thing on my list of rearranging the above code is inventory of the model parts:
- we have a main channel, passed around to
functions allowing them to know when the mission is accomplished. - we have a bunch of channels called
in the above code, that allows multiplexing of the work - we have a channel for fanning in (
) the work - we have a wait group (
) that is being used for fanning in the work
Having that in mind, let’s do the following declaration:
type ChanInt chan int
type PrimeFinder struct {
intSource func() int
main ChanInt
multiplexedStream ChanInt
runners []ChanInt
fanWG sync.WaitGroup
Now, it’s only a matter of creating methods from the above code. In the end, we’re getting the completely rearranged code as following:
Modified Code
package main
import (
type ChanInt chan int
type PrimeFinder struct {
intSource func() int
main ChanInt
multiplexedStream ChanInt
runners []ChanInt
fanWG sync.WaitGroup
func (pf PrimeFinder) stream() ChanInt {
valueStream := make(ChanInt)
go func() {
defer close(valueStream)
for {
select {
case <-pf.main:
case valueStream <- pf.intSource():
return valueStream
func (pf PrimeFinder) take(capacity int) ChanInt {
takeStream := make(ChanInt)
go func() {
defer close(takeStream)
for i := 0; i < capacity; i++ {
select {
case <-pf.main:
case takeStream <- <-pf.fanIn():
return takeStream
func (pf PrimeFinder) checkPrime(intStream ChanInt) ChanInt {
primeStream := make(ChanInt)
go func() {
defer close(primeStream)
for integer := range intStream {
integer -= 1
prime := true
for divisor := integer - 1; divisor > 1; divisor-- {
if integer%divisor == 0 {
prime = false
if prime {
select {
case <-pf.main:
case primeStream <- integer:
return primeStream
func (pf PrimeFinder) multiplex(workerChannel ChanInt) {
defer pf.fanWG.Done()
for i := range workerChannel {
select {
case <-pf.main:
case pf.multiplexedStream <- i:
func (pf PrimeFinder) fanIn() ChanInt {
// Select from all the channels
for _, ch := range pf.runners {
go pf.multiplex(ch)
// Wait for all the reads to complete
go func() {
return pf.multiplexedStream
func newPrimeFinder(sourceFn func() int, capacity int) PrimeFinder {
// prepare channels and slice of runners
result := PrimeFinder{
main: make(ChanInt),
runners: make([]ChanInt, capacity),
multiplexedStream: make(ChanInt),
intSource: sourceFn,
// prepare stream
randIntStream :=
// prepare runners
for i := 0; i < capacity; i++ {
result.runners[i] = result.checkPrime(randIntStream)
// add runners len to waitgroup
// return processor
return result
func main() {
start := time.Now()
source := func() int { return rand.Intn(50000000) }
numFinders := runtime.NumCPU()
fmt.Printf("Spinning up %d prime finders.\n", numFinders)
processor := newPrimeFinder(source, numFinders)
for prime := range processor.take(10) {
fmt.Printf("\t%d\n", prime)
fmt.Printf("Search took: %v", time.Since(start))
Instead of Conclusion
Can you read it? Do you find it better, easier to understand, follow and modify?
One can argue that I gave up on the syntactic sugar that shows you the direction of the channel, thus making it more confusing. I can say that it is not true, because the actual operations happen inside the select
statements - where the developer should look to follow the code. Also, by grouping the functions as methods, it’s hiding those kind of details for the developer - you only need to replace the worker function, resting assured that the workflow won’t change.
Be warned that this method has disadvantages as well - from the top of my head, I can mention the compiler inlining of the functions, which might affect your speed.
However, I prefer readability and the advantage of being able to explain in simple terms what’s going on : what’s the encapsulation and what’s the abstraction.
Code before and after can be found here.
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